This program includes new features that are completely different from Project 3. Project 3 includes newer things such as: A colorable Moon type object using sliders that automatically changes, a day/night system, and more!
- Feature 1: Color-Changeable Moon (Slider)
- Input: Change Color of Moon with Sliders (Red, Green, Blue)
- Output: Moon automatically changed colors in real-time.
- Feature 2: Moveable Camera (Rotation)
- Input: Mouse X, Y, and Z Location on Screen
- Output: Camera follows Mouse Position
- Feature 3: Rotating Stars (Animation)
- Input: Play Rotating Animation
- Output: Stars rotate at 180 degrees on Y axis on loop
- Feature 4: Changeable Text (UI with Text Box)
- Input: Player writes in Text Box
- Output: Text above the Text box changes to what they wrote
- Feature 5: Day/Night Cycle
- Input: Time of Day in-game (0:00 - 23:59)
- Output: Lighting in Scene Changes to reflect Day or Night
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